I went and got my shopping done early yesterday. I actually had to wait for the post office to open to get my packages, and I had done all my other shopping except Sal’s by then.
I paid all my bills yesterday including the electric bill for this last month. That was down to $37 because I haven’t fired up the AC yet and haven’t had to use the heater other than the one in the bathroom when I take my shower in the morning. That will all change tho. I still need to get the clear vinyl for the living room windows, didn’t have enough money in the account to buy anything but food yesterday. Next week I will get the curtains and the velcro and get them put up. I got a bunch of canned veggies and some fresh veggies and fruit for my lunches this week. DG’s shelves are still pretty empty.
I got a few tops at Sal’s yesterday, a couple of pillow cases, red of course, and a cotton shower curtain. Got everything washed, hung the curtain and took down the vinyl one I had inside. I will try to keep the doors clean, but if I don’t, the cotton curtain on the outside will hide the doors. I really should have ironed it, but I didn’t.
I went to the ham and bean and turkey noodle soup at the clubhouse yesterday. I had a bit of both and also brought home some of the turkey noodle for dinner. Was very good, per usual.
Later in the day I took the golf cart and dropped of my check for the electric, took my garbage to the dumpster and delivered the whole wheat pasta to Anna and then left the cart with Keith. He is going to tinker with it some more and polish up the fiberglass. I probably wouldn’t use it until this weekend anyway. I walked to and from the soup lunch and then home from Keith’s. Getting myself geared up to walk again. I have got to loose the weight I gained over the winter. Plus get my blood sugar under control. I don’t want to go back on any meds. Time to get my iPod charged up and ready.
Back to work today. Only one more week (or so) after this one. I can’t wait. I will have to watch every penny, but I have enough craft supplies to make a lot of stuff, I get my books for free, and I don’t have any large expenses. I do still want to find a recliner if the opportunity arises, but that is about it. I will have to try to sell some stuff online for a few extra bucks if I can. I should probably start watching for good stuff at Sal’s to sell on eBay. Even if I just made enough to cover my groceries that would be helpful.