Monday, September 25, 2017

Cooler weather finally!

I had to turn the water heater back on last week as my showers were getting a little nippy. Not so bad when it was just a shower without washing my hair, but when it came to hair day, just too darned chilly. And I almost turned on the heater in the bathroom yesterday morning when I was getting ready for work. Just last week I was using the fan!

The AC has been off since Thursday (?). $$$$ in savings! Yay. I'm starting to feel a little bit of motivation and ambition finally. Although it still isn't the greatest for working outside.

I have had a long work week. Everything is making me cranky and people are pissing me off. It is definitely time for vacation. If it hadn't been so hot, I would have taken it sooner. But it isn't much of a vacation if all I can do is sit indoors because it is too hot to be outdoors. 

I have no money, so I won't be going anywhere. The fall big bills have started rolling in, so I need to concentrate on getting those paid and the money for my annual dues in February. Unfortunately I am back to living from paycheck to paycheck and every month my bank account gets smaller and smaller. I hate that. I also hate that I have to work so damned hard for what little money I do earn. That is just wrong. It gets rubbed in too every time someone uses an EBT card, they eat better than I do. But don't get me started on that rant.

Lots and lots of little green things coming up in the garden since I planted last week. I do need to change out the sprinkler. The one I used just wastes way too much water and makes a lot of noise. I want to suspend the new one from the ceiling so the water goes down instead of up and hitting the roof. Less noise and hopefully less waste.

I was thinking about draining and putting the cool tub away today, but looking at the forecast, I will probably wait another week. Looks like some more high 90's coming our way. I did haul out my big fleece bathrobe and flannel nightgown and am washing them, getting them ready. I may switch to the flannel tonight, and use the robe as needed. 

It has been a long summer.

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