Saturday, April 25, 2020

Feedback welcome, donations also welcome

Well, what to write first....

Lois, we think, has finally turned a corner. Have been getting daily reports on her condition (COVID 19), and as of yesterday she is off the ventilator and dialysis. They say she is responding to commands. We are all very hopeful that she will recover. It was looking pretty grim for a while. Say a prayer.

My disability appeal was denied yet again. I now have a lawyer handling it, it could take up to a year to get a hearing. And I still don't qualify for unemployment. Thank goodness I had some savings, or I wouldn't have survived this long. Between my savings, contributions from people that care, and the few crafts I managed to sell, I haven't gone too far in debt. Right now it is basically the 4k worth of dental work I had done in November. I'm paying a little bit on it each month, but am out of money, so I don't know how long I will be able to do that, and no one is buying crafts.

My gofundme has done nothing, but is still active.  It has been very disappointing. But with so many people out of work, kind of understandable.

Saw a post online yesterday from a friend in Vermont. She mentioned that she was thinking about getting her real estate license. It was a light bulb moment for me. That is something I could do here. The online classes and the whole process would be less than 1k, and I would have a career that would see me thru retirement. On MY terms. No corporate bullshit or expectations. A fairly light job, even I can move paper. No stocking shelves or excessive and freaky hours. I would basically be my own boss, which I do well with. And there is lots and lots of real estate for sale here.

I'm giving myself the weekend to think it over. I will decide on Monday. It is a 90 hour online class and exam, then the licensing exam. Then I would have to find a broker to work with. We have one right here in town. I might even qualify for unemployment for a bit while in training and testing. It would be an honest attempt at getting back into the work force. They like that kind of thing.

Feedback, comments and suggestions welcome.

Finally got my new phone up and working. That only took two weeks, but it is done, and my old number forwarded to my new number. I still haven't learned my new number, going to take some time.

Hoping now that we have hit the 100's in daytime temps, that I get some motivation and get some crafting done while I am stuck indoors. I need to make some sympathy and mother's day cards. I have a whole new batch of dies I haven't tried out yet. I also have several other crafts waiting in the wings I want to do, and painting. Haven't done any painting since the middle of March. It's been too nice out to be indoors. Enjoying the moderate temps while I could. I did make a few cards the other day as I had a request for a custom birthday card.

Again, any comments, feedback or suggestions on the whole real estate thing is welcome. There are very few jobs here in Quartzsite, and most of those are the kind of job that I can no longer do. Quickmarts, fast food, DG, Family Dollar... Regular jobs are few and far between and mostly seasonal.

My life completely changed in a heartbeat, and I am still adjusting and figuring things out. Contributions gladly accepted to get me through as well. And very much appreciated.

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