Saturday, April 11, 2020

Quarantine Continued

I have no idea how long it's been. Granted, I stayed home most of the time, but I did have some social interaction. Now there is none. Can't go hang out or have a cup of coffee with anyone, can't go across the street to visit a neighbor, and only make one trip out per week to deal with food and mail.

I have been denied unemployment again, and disability has denied me again too. I have no idea how I am going to survive financially. I can't be the only person that slips thru the cracks. I don't have a spouse with income, don't seem to qualify for any kind of financial aid, and I have to say, I am very discouraged. Haven't been this discouraged in a long, long time.

Still waiting to get the new phone situated. Tried to port the number I have had for 15 years to my brother's account, they couldn't do it. So I am getting a new number. I wasn't willing to give up my old number, it is on everything. So I decided to port the old number to Google Voice. It took several tries and about four days, but I finally got it. Once the new number is up and running, I will forward the old number to the new number. Once the number was ported, my phone didn't work any more, so that meant no phone service. I downloaded the GV app and got it working, so I have limited phone service and can get voice mail if I am out of range. As long as I am within wifi distance, it works. Better than nothing.

I wish I could find a way to jump start any creativity, but depression and creativity don't go hand in hand. I will just have to wait it out, but feel guilty because all I am doing is reading. I didn't even get dressed for three days in a row. Why bother?

I did the post office and market run yesterday. Will have to go to the post office again on Monday to pick up my sim card and dried bean order. Otherwise I wouldn't be going out for another week.

My friend and neighbor lost her husband of 65 years the other day. She wasn't allowed to stay with him, so she wasn't there when he passed. I wasn't with Jake when he died either and I know how that feels. I feel so bad for her, and people aren't allowed to gather around her and support her. I know how that feels too. This virus will have so many far reaching effects that haven't been considered.

So with Rusty passing, the whole phone situation and the financial denials, it has been a pretty sucky week. I suppose it could always be worse. But I am pretty unhappy with life in general at the moment. Just have to wait it out.

I'm probably going to have to find a job somewhere. Kind of hard to do when the world is shut down. But I can't physically do the job I was doing before even if I wanted to. Can't handle the stress or the physical requirements. I don't know what the future holds, just have to get through today.

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