Thursday, October 5, 2017

No ambition

I did get a couple of things done yesterday, but I just don’t seem to have a lot of ambition. I am still tired and still sore. I thought I would be feeling better after three days off, but nope. I got the cool tub put away for the winter and brought the little table and chairs over to put in it’s place. Still warm, so I still have the baby swamp cooler fan going when I am outside. It is kind of ugly, but has a really good fan in it. As it cools off I will have to find another spot for it.

Last year I stored the tub just outside the patio. This year I am storing it in far back corner of the lot. It is less visible there and it is unused space. My back door neighbors won’t have to look at it all winter. Plus, it isn’t right up next to the house. I had something living under it last year. Hoping the pallet prevents critters this year. 

I lost a couple of hours doing a website update. It gave me some trouble, it always does, but it is done for now. I won’t have to do the one I hate the most this year as they went somewhere else. Finally. I know I said I wasn’t going to do them any more, but I never got around to telling them that. So I am stuck with them again this year. Won’t be as bad without Chester this year. 

Today is my lunch with Carrollyn. The only thing special yesterday was the fact that I had to cut some chard as it had gone crazy the last week. It was pretty much dormant all summer, but came back with gusto once it started cooling off. It must be a perennial as it hasn’t gone to seed and is almost a year old now. The garden seems to be doing pretty well. I made a garlic shrimp stir fry with the chard and there was enough left to cook into greens. My whitefly problem seems to be under control for now. I really don’t want to use chemicals on the garden, but may have to if they come back. 

The desert willow that wasn’t doing anything is finally coming back. I noticed a little green shoot at the base yesterday. Yay! I didn’t think it was going to make it, but maybe it is.

If I don’t do anything else today, I need to deal with the garbage. I don’t think I can put anything else in the trash can under the sink. I should work in the shed, but then again, if I have to stop mid sort and get showered and dressed to go to lunch….I have a whole list of things I could be doing, but don’t really feel like doing any of them. 

I slept about four hours last night and will need a nap today. I seem to be having a hard time adjusting to not having to sleep during the day so I can work at night. I know it is not a ‘real’ night shift, but by the time I put in eight plus hours and get home and unwind, it is 12:30 to 1:30 in the morning. Then I only sleep three or four hours, so I have to sleep during the day to compensate. I was up reading until about one this morning. Woke up at 4:30. At least I made it into the bedroom this time. 

We were only in the 80’s yesterday, so no AC again. Yay. I am loving that. I have written out the check for the electric bill, but haven’t managed to get it to the office yet. That is on today’s list along with the trip to the dumpster.

Well, if I am going to get anything done today I should probably get myself moving. Maybe get at least a little bit done in the shed. I need to figure out how to store my bike that I have never used, it is right in the way. If I could hang it somewhere, that would be good. I need to start a yard sale pile, the park wide yard sale will be soon, and I have a bunch of stuff to get rid of. Not sure where I am going to make that pile tho. The shed is tiny. I have so much stuff in there now that I can’t find anything and there is just a path in the door. I need another shed…I may have to get one of those rubbermaid storage cabinets for the garden tools and stuff. But they aren’t cheap. 

On Tuesday I went to the ladies lunch with Kay. It was OK. I hadn't realized how peopled out I am until I went to this thing. There were a lot of intense women there, volunteers, chair people, etc. I wasn't intimidated, but I probably won't go again. I hate public speaking and we all had to get up and introduce ourselves. It felt like a meeting instead of a luncheon. Was a pretty good crowd tho.

I had a cheeseburger, fries, and iced tea and it cost me $14 including tip. Pricy for a burger and fries. The burger was OK, fries were good, tea was weak. I napped when I got home. I have good intentions, just no stamina. My job has drained me.

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