Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dreary weekend

The weather has been dreary, nasty, wet and COLD! The daytime highs have been in the upper 50's and lower 60's. Add to that periodic rain, mist and just general dreariness, it hasn't been the most pleasant weekend.

This morning I hurt my back again. I was just reaching to untangle the corded mouse from the arm of my chair as I was setting up the laptop outside. I felt it happen. I have been in pain all day, and can barely walk. I have been sleeping off and on all day. I even snoozed outside for a while this afternoon in my zero gravity chair with a blanket and pillow.

Since I sold my washer and dryer, I had to find someplace to do laundry this week. Anthony and Kathy were kind enough to let me use their washer and dryer on Friday. While there, we setup the webcam and then got to discussing the website that he wanted. I have been playing with that off an on all weekend. His new website can be found at  I took his old site, updated it a little, added a photo album and a blogger for his weekly reports. Simplicity and ease of use were the goals.

Last night I cooked my dinner outdoors. I had already setup half of my little table for the computers, and took the other half out and put my little butane stove top on it. I had hash browns with onions and beets, and eggs. Was yummy.

Today, I turned on the propane and used the little stove in Ody to cook up a quinoa/tomato pilaf. I also used my wonderbag for the first time. It came out pretty good. Even though my glucose has been in the acceptable range, I need to get my food back to the lower calorie, lower carbs that got me here.

My quinoa came out fine, but it wasn't as hot as I thought it was going to be. Maybe I didn't boil long enough. Will try again some other time with something different. But it worked great for what I wanted today.

Also on Friday, I tried out the bike again. Determined that I could ride it. Actually went over to the senior center and back. My legs, even on the smallest incline, were not happy.

Then I got it hung up on Ody's ladder in the back with the bike rack. That was a pain in the ass. I had to lift the bike over my head. Had to do it twice because the first time the handle bars and the spare tire were fighting for the same space. Must be an easier way to do that. I'm getting to old for all this heavy lifting.

Signing papers tomorrow? Who knows? Will wait to hear from Dan the lawyer. In the meantime, I am going to try to get my back feeling better so I can actually walk around the corner to sign them.

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