Saturday, October 17, 2015

Time to get to work

I have done my walk and picked up Ody on the way back. This morning I am going to change out the fresh water tank. I’m doing that first because it is probably the hardest, and the one I will most likely need parts for. If so, I need the hardware store to be open. From there I will do the table bracket, and last but not least the carpet in the bunk area. Then it will be a quick wipe down inside and staging. The rug is supposed to be here on Tuesday, so I will just use my cheapies for now. I am hoping she will go out beside the road tomorrow. 

We had some rain last night, finally. It threatened for two days. I haven’t checked my gauge yet. 

I had my usual night last night, fell asleep around 8:30 and woke up around midnight. Was up for a couple of hours and then another hour or two of sleep which put me behind and there were a lot of people already out, which slows me down because I have to be social.

I’m fine. Exhausted after working all day. Feeling stressed with the lost time, and it will only get worse as my days increase. I guess I will eventually adjust to it. It used to be my way of life. I really liked not working, but I can’t afford not to. Hoping that will change at some point. Haven’t made anything or done anything lately. I have either been working or working on Ody. 

I’m going to try one more thing with my chair. I am going to try making a custom pillow for the back, see if that helps. The purchased ones don’t cut it, and I have two ratty old pillows off the couch that I can take apart and remake into one larger one. Gotta get the fill just right and the size too. The one I am using right now is too thick and too narrow. 

I realized this morning that I hadn’t walked since last Sunday. Monday I had stuff to do, Tuesday I worked, Wednesday was the shopping trip and I worked both Thursday and Friday. It wasn’t too bad this morning, but I didn’t do the last street and a half because I grabbed Ody on my way back thru. 

Thinking I might take the scooter to work one day next week, for the fun of it. I went to the post office yesterday and what did I find, a red tray from Target. Just one. Thought it was supposed to be a two pack. Will have to follow up on that. I wonder if I will see the halloween ornaments. Almost too late for them now. I’m going to go ahead and make the acorn ones for Thanksgiving. When I find the time. That will just be a little wire and a little glue, nothing heavy duty.

Supposedly the Roadrunner opened on Friday so I shouldn’t have to leave town to get produce now. It won’t be as good as Smart and Final, but should be as good as Walmart. I was really surprised and unimpressed by their produce last week. 

Well, time to get to work. I have nothing else planned and it should stay below 90 today. It is very humid tho. Will have to wait until tomorrow for laundry since I don't have  a dryer. Monday I hope to get back to my routine of local stores and Salvation Army. I need to see if I have enough material to make my custom pillow or if I have to pick up a sheet at Sal’s, then I will make a cover for it. I have some sewing to do since my blankets arrived this week.

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