Saturday, March 7, 2015

Yard sale success

Well the yard sale went surprisingly well. I didn’t sell any jewelry, but made about eighty bucks and handed out business cards. Packed everything up around noon. Things had quieted down and I didn’t have a lot of yard sale stuff left, so I just slapped a free sign on the leftovers and they were gone within a half hour. Didn't even have to haul it to Salvation Army. I also had a lot of inquiries on the tracker and one couple that came back and looked at Ody. They seemed interested, but I don’t think it is a sale. They would have bought both.

Spent the afternoon reading, forgot that I needed to go to the post office. Oh well, will have to go Monday now. And I finally got my nails clipped and filed, have been trying to get to that for days. They were really bugging me. Made sun tea, but the jug won’t fit in the fridge. Will have to transfer it to something else.

The new top for the coffee table came yesterday, I will get that swapped out sometime this weekend. As for the chair, I don’t think it is going to work for me in the long run. It doesn’t recline enough for me to be able to sleep in, and it really is way too big. Plus, It is a lot more worn that it looks. The arms, where your elbows sit, the foam is all broken down. You can’t see it when you look at it tho. So sometime in the near future, I will have to go to Yuma and find a good chair. This one is doing what it was meant to do tho, I get some daily lap time with KC now.

She slept all day yesterday and all night last night, and is sleeping now. Still using her box, eating, and being a cat, but no energy. I think she might be winding down. I’m still hoping she will go in her sleep. It would be the best for both of us.

Bunny watching....

I need to spend some time in the shed. After yesterday’s yard sale, moving stuff around to get to tables, inventory, etc., it is a mess. I also need to get my work area set up. As of today, I am seven days behind on the jewelry challenge. As for the photo challenge, there weren’t enough people to warrant the time put into the classes, so it has been discontinued. :( Oh well, I was several weeks behind in that too.

I have several little piddly things to do, a couple I have already done. I have one more bin that needs to be sorted in the bedroom, and I think that is it for “unpacking”. At some point I need to refold the quilt display and figure out where the walking sticks are going to go. And the windows need to be cleaned. Inside only. The outside has shade cloth on them, so I am not going to worry about them, at least this round.


  1. Sounds like you are enjoying your new home and sounds like KC is happy.

  2. I am enjoying the new home, but am feeling a little house bound since I can't leave the cat for any length of time. She seems to be OK for now, so I need to take advantage of that and do something. And Kali Cat is much happier in a house that isn't on wheels. :)
